Online Tutoring Services

For many students, particularly at GCSE/O-level stage, Physics is a daunting and complex challenge, which some view as insurmountable. This is exacerbated by the fact that the current crisis in recruiting Physics teachers in schools means that many students are being taught by teachers without a Physics qualification.

I have a proven track-record of being able to demystify the subject and allow students of all abilities to recognise that they are capable of passing with a decent grade or indeed excelling in Physics and studying it further. Whether you are looking to achieve a level 4 at GCSE or push an A grade to an A* at A-level, I can help.

All aspects of GCSE and A-level Physics (including guidance for the A-level practical qualification) for AQA, EdExcel and IB can be covered.

All formats of the tutoring involve shared whiteboard notes, including diagrams and video where appropriate and shared past paper practice. Each price includes copies of the lesson notes, plus any other relevant material, which will be emailed to the student.

1:1 Tutoring
£65 per 55 minute session

Carefully tailored to meet the objectives of the student – these maybe quite wide-ranging or focus on specific discrete topics. I can assess ability, areas of subject knowledge weakness, how each student best learns and how to build confidence and understanding. Lessons can include theory and explanation, contextual reference, worked examples and help with specific questions.

Private Group Sessions
£55 per student per 55 minute session

Students may form their own study groups, in order to collaborate and save money! The focus of each session can be determined by the group with advice from the tutor.

Ideal for a group of classmates wishing to revise a topic area.

three people sitting in front of table laughing together
three people sitting in front of table laughing together
Scheduled Group Classes
£55 per student per 55 minute session

Advertised group classes on specific topics or skills. These occur throughout the year covering both GCSE and A-level courses.

Groups have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 students. An ideal mix of group empathy, collaborative work and tutor support, combined with great value for money.

Home Education Support
£ By Arrangement

Expert support for parents and carers with all aspects of delivering and supplementing physics teaching at home, including required practicals. All exam boards covered.

2 girls sitting at the table
2 girls sitting at the table